Visual and Performing Arts > Visual and Performing Arts

Visual and Performing Arts

The performing arts encompass all forms of artistic expression presented to an audience live. Visual arts, in contrast, involve the use of paint, canvas, or other materials to create three-dimensional, static works of art. The term "performing arts" describes various artistic expressions, such as music, dance, and theater, presented in front of an audience. All human societies feature some form of performance art, whether theater, music, dance or even just the slick manipulation of everyday objects. While circus skills can be traced back as far as Ancient Egypt, the history of music and dance only began in more recent times. Many forms of artistic expression are actively practiced on a professional level. Theatrical performances can take place in various settings, including permanent theaters and opera houses, temporary stages set up for festivals, traveling circus tents, and even the streets themselves. Entertainment can also take the form of a live performance given to a paying audience. The proliferation of audio and video recording technologies has made it possible for people to enjoy the performing arts in their own homes. The purpose of many artistic performances is to convey some feeling or sentiment.