Education > Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education

Social and Philosophical Foundations of Education

A course that takes education seriously as a social and cultural institution and the educational process as a subject of humanistic study. Philosophy of education, history of education, literature about education, anthropology of education, sociology of education, economics and politics of education, studies of educational policy, and studies of education about specific populations, issues, social phenomena, and professions are all included in this broad field of study. The study of what education is, why it exists, and how to improve it is known as the philosophy of education. The process involves examining the assumptions and arguments for and against various educational theories. It's not just a branch of philosophy; it's an interdisciplinary field that incorporates ideas from other branches of thought, such as ethics, political philosophy, psychology, and sociology. The significant and far-reaching impact that the philosophy of education has had on other disciplines also reflects these links. It includes but is not limited to school-based education, as many of its theories deal with that setting specifically. The theories in this area are typically separated into descriptive and normative sub-categories.