Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies > Nutrition Sciences

Nutrition Sciences

Nutrition science is the study of the physiological process of nutrition (primarily human nutrition), including the interpretation of the nutrients and other substances in food concerning maintenance, growth, reproduction, health, and disease is the field known as nutritional science (also nutrition science, sometimes short nutrition, dated trophology). Scientists in the field of nutrition used to be primarily chemists before the area developed into its academic field. Researchers looked at the foods' chemical makeup. Nutritional science has been primarily concerned with macronutrients like protein, fat, and carbs since the 19th century. Before the development of our understanding of the role vitamins and other essential nutrients play in human health, dietary quality was evaluated solely in terms of the quantity of food consumed. According to Kenneth John Carpenter's Short History of Nutritional Science, "the vitamin era" began in the early 20th century. In 1926, scientists successfully isolated and chemically characterized the first vitamin (thiamine). The isolation of vitamin C followed in 1932, and its impact on health, the defense against scurvy, was scientifically recorded for the first time.