Mathematics and Computer Science
The field of study known as "computer science" examines everything related to computers and automated processes.Algorithms, the theory of computation, information theory, and automation are just a few of the theoretical and practical areas that computer science encompasses (including the design and implementation of hardware and software).Most people think of computer science as separate from computer programming and treat it as an academic discipline. Both algorithms and data structures are fundamental to the study of computer science. The theory of computation is concerned with generalized problem sets and abstract models of computation.Studying how to communicate securely and stop security holes are fundamental topics in cryptography and computer security.Image creation is at the heart of both computer graphics and computational geometry.
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- Bioinformatics
- Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering
- Foundations of Computational Mathematics
- IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
- IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems
- IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering
- IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence
- Molecular Systems Biology
- PLoS Computational Biology
- npj Quantum Informationopen access