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Management Science

Management science, often known as Managerial Science (MS), is the cross-disciplinary study of organizational decision-making and problem-solving, with deep roots in management, economics, business, engineering, management consulting, and other disciplines. Optimal or near-optimal solutions to complex decision problems are achieved using a wide range of scientifically-grounded principles, strategies, and analytical approaches, such as mathematical modeling, statistics, and numerical algorithms. Using a variety of empirically-based approaches, the discipline of management science propels businesses forward. First originating in the realm of applied mathematics, the field evolved to address issues of linear system optimization, i.e., finding the optimal value (highest profit, assembly line performance, crop yield, bandwidth, etc.) or least loss, risk, costs, etc. for a given objective function. These days, management science includes any organizational task for which a mathematically structured issue can be used to produce insights useful to managers.