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Journalism, Other

Media for the Airwaves
Broadcast journalists report the news to listeners and viewers on radio and television. Broadcast journalism covers various topics, from sports to weather to traffic to news to entertainment. Investigative, watchdog and opinion broadcast journalism are all viable subgenres. Reading the report without a video, narrating a report with a related video playing in the background, or conducting a report in the field while capturing live video are all valid forms of broadcast journalism.
The Media Coverage of Sports
Athletics are the primary focus of sports journalism. Sportswriters keep track of wins, losses, and rankings for various teams and athletes. A sports journalist may specialize in an investigative or opinion format, for example. It could be anything from newspapers to television shows. Broadcast and online news outlets often feature sports commentators as part of their sports coverage.
 Commerce-Related Media
Industry-specific news is what trade journalism is all about—journalists who specialize in the business world report on trends and changes that will affect their readers. Products like oil, metals, and agriculture, as well as business sectors like travel, finance, and healthcare, have their sections. Journalists specialize in a particular industry process and report vast amounts of data about the industries' markets.