Legal Professions and Studies > International Law and Legal Studies

International Law and Legal Studies

The field of study known as International Law examines the obligations imposed by law upon nations in their dealings with and interactions with one another. Human rights, international crime, international waters, international trade, conflict, migration, and other global concerns are only some topics covered. Promoting human rights, limiting the use of force against other sovereign governments, and preventing the acquisition of other territories by staff are the three main principles of International Law according to the United Nations (UN). You may sometimes hear the term "Law of Nations" or "Public International Law" when referring to international law. However, many international law subfields exist for students, including International Humanitarian Law, International Refugee Law, International Criminal Law, International Human Rights Law, and others. Students majoring in international law can expect to find employment in government agencies or in agencies whose missions include resolving international conflicts, integrating Europe, or reconciling legal systems. Aside from working for the government, you might also work for a private legal firm specializing in international business transactions, a nonprofit, or an NGO.