Information Technology
It refers to the field that uses computers to generate, process, store, retrieve, and exchange information. Unlike consumer electronics or home theater systems, IT is more often put to use in the service of commercial endeavors. Information technology is a subset of telecommunications technology (ICT). A computer system, including all of its hardware, software, and peripheral equipment used and maintained by a select group of people, is an example of an information technology system (IT system). It wasn't until a 1958 article by Harold J. Leavitt and Thomas L. Whisler in the Harvard Business Review that the term information technology appeared in its modern sense, even though humans have been using some form of written communication to record, retrieve, manipulate, and disseminate knowledge since long before the invention of the alphabet "There is no single accepted moniker for this emerging technology at this time. Their definition includes three distinct but related aspects: processing techniques, statistical and mathematical methods in decision-making, and the simulation of higher-order thought in computer programs.
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- IEEE Internet of Things Journal
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- MIS Quarterly: Management Information Systems
- Omega