Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Industrial psychologists focus on defining roles and determining which candidates qualify to fill them. Furthermore, industrial psychology investigates and develops methods of training, evaluation, and response to employee performance reviews. Because of its focus on candidate traits, industrial psychology must consider legal concerns relating to discrimination in the selection process. The field of study known as "organizational psychology" examines the effects that interpersonal dynamics inside an organization have on the productivity of its workers and the company's bottom line. Researchers look into things like employee happiness, motivation, and loyalty. Management, leadership, and organizational culture are essential in this area, along with the effects of organizational structure, management, leadership styles, societal norms, and role expectations on employee conduct. Organizational psychology considers harassment, including sexual harassment and workplace violence, to focus on worker well-being and relationships. Human behavior in the workplace is the focus of industrial-organizational psychology or I-O psychology. Industrial psychologists analyze and evaluate a company's culture, employee behavior, and work procedures and devise or recommend programs and practices to improve employee productivity and organizational performance.
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- Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior
- International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Journal of Applied Psychology
- Journal of Business and Psychology
- Journal of Consumer Psychology
- Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
- Journal of Organizational Behavior
- Leadership Quarterly
- Personnel Psychology
- Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics