History > History, Other

History, Other

Students who study history try to make sense of how the past influences the present and the future. They analyze the past, guide the future, and make sense of the present by drawing on historical precedents. As a result, the graduates of history programs have many more career alternatives than historians, professors, and museum workers.

Historians study the past with an eye on influencing the future by learning from the past. Historians look at history with the intent of learning from it. Therefore they value and study linguistic, philosophical, cultural, ethnic, political, and sociological diversity.

History majors also study languages and literature from around the world. The goal is to facilitate the analysis of primary historical sources such as personal diaries and letters, manuscripts, newspaper articles, photographs, and official records. They might also consult primary sources like textbooks and encyclopedias when making judgments. Historians have the unique opportunity to provide new insights and interpretations into unstudied projects.