Education > Higher Education/Higher Education Administration

Higher Education/Higher Education Administration

Administrators in the field of higher education are in charge of a wide variety of tasks, including the management of college or university departments, faculty, staff, academic programs, curricula, budgets, and facilities. Whether they call themselves a dean, director, or chair, the administrative leaders of a school have the same goals: to ensure that students have access to the best possible learning environment and to shape the institution's direction and development.

Concerning Studying

The administration of a university's educational programs falls under the purview of academic administrators. They are responsible for the hiring and evaluation of faculty, the creation of academic majors, minors, and other curricular offerings, the acquisition of resources to support instruction, and the organization of some academic campus events and guest artists. They also try to network with professionals in the real world to open doors for students both during and after their time in school.

The Student Affairs Office 

They coordinate all extracurricular activities and services for students at a college or university. These managers make sure that students have a safe place to live, help them get the care they need if they get sick, and offer guidance in figuring out what they want to do with their lives academically and professionally. Typically, they are also responsible for coordinating the schedules of student clubs and organizations, as well as the planning of orientation for new students and other campus events.

Other Governmental Agencies

A university's administrative staff consists of many different departments, not all of which are directly involved in students' academic experiences, but all of which are essential to the smooth operation of the university. The admissions office, alumni relations, institutional advancement, business office, financial aid office, human resources office, communications office, and many more fall under this category.