Biological and Biomedical Sciences > General Biology or Biological Sciences

General Biology or Biological Sciences

These life sciences include studying everything from single-celled organisms to entire ecosystems, from plants to mammals to humans. This field of study is an integral part of the natural sciences alongside the study of non-living matter studied by physicists. The other life sciences are sub-disciplines of biology, the overarching natural science that studies life. A lot of the disciplines that study life tend to zero in on one particular species. In contrast to botany, the study of plants, zoology is the study of animals. Some branches of biology, like anatomy and genetics, are concerned with features shared by most or all living things. Although some study things on a very small scale (such as molecular biology or biochemistry), others look at things on a much grander one (e.g., cytology, immunology, etiology, pharmacy, ecology). Neuroscience, the study of the brain and nervous system, is an important subfield of biology. The health, agricultural, medical, pharmaceutical, and food science sectors all benefit from the latest discoveries in the life sciences, which in turn contribute to an overall rise in the standard of living.