English Language and Literature/Letters > Creative Writing

Creative Writing

Creative writing can be described as all writing that is not academic, professional, or news writing. It's interesting and original since it comes from the author's mind and is written in the author's style. It's common to be terrible at creative writing when first starting, but you can always become better with practice. The top main categories of creative writing include: 

  • blogging 
  • Plays
  • Diaries
  • Poems
  • Letters
  • Essays
  • Presentations
  • Song lyrics
  • Narratives, etc.

In short, creative writing is any form of writing in which the author uses their unique imagination and creativity to convey their own unique ideas and views. Said, it's about expanding beyond the confines of just academic or purely technical writings and adding your unique "flair" to what you write. The major advantage of creative writing is the power of imagination. Developing your imagination is a byproduct of creative writing as you imagine and flesh out completely new settings, plots, and people. Other pros include:

  • Empathy.
  • Enhancement of the Clarity of Thoughts.
  • More Comprehensive Words.
  • Evaluation in Detail.