Communication and Journalism > Communication and Media Studies

Communication and Media Studies

Majors in communication and media studies gain skills for writing persuasive messages, comprehending audiences, and working in marketing and journalism. A communications major studies how people interact in a society that is becoming more connected and digitized. The term "communication and media studies" refers to interdisciplinary coursework that combines mass communication knowledge with social sciences and the humanities. Students interested in spreading knowledge, covering news, telling stories, or analyzing media culture should consider majoring in communication. The foundation for developing messages, comprehending audiences, utilizing new technologies, and learning fundamental communication theories is laid out by communication and media studies. This major frequently looks at how communications interact with culture and society. Students may be required to study media history, the legal system, ethics, policy, and law relating to communications. The courses and requirements will differ by the school because the major is as diverse as the students and faculty who create and disseminate such messages. With a communication major, students can tailor their course schedule to fit their interests and future goals.