Biological and Biomedical Sciences > Bioinformatics


Bioinformatics is a branch of genetics and genomics. It uses computers to gather, organize, analyze, and disseminate data and information about biological systems, such as DNA and protein sequences and annotations. To better understand health and disease, and in some cases as a part of medical care, scientists and clinicians utilize databases that organize and index biological information. Bioinformatics is like data analysis in the information age and online context regarding its importance in scientific pursuits. Back in the day, the biggest obstacle was gaining access to the data. Technological advances in deciphering DNA sequences have significantly lowered this barrier. The next step is to figure out how to make sense of the data that has been collected. Whether we're talking about information about website visits or the human genome, analyzing such data requires computer-based methods due to the sheer size of the datasets involved. The goal of bioinformatics research on human genomes is to gain useful knowledge about health and biology.