Biological and Biomedical Sciences > Biochemistry


Studying biological processes at the molecular and cellular levels requires a chemical approach, which is what Biochemistry entails. This field applies the tools of Chemistry, Physics, molecular biology, and immunology to understand the structure and behavior of complex molecules in biological material, as well as how they interact to produce cells, tissues, and organisms. The particular focus is on the management of chemical reactions in living cells. Other topics that pique the interest of biochemists include the chemical underpinnings of inheritance and disease, as well as the mechanics of brain function, cell division and differentiation, intercellular communication, and organ-cell communication. The biochemist's goal is to understand the role individual molecules like proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, vitamins, and hormones play in these processes. You can go into the biotech or pharmaceutical industries right away with a biochemistry major, continue your education at the graduate or professional level, or enter a field like law or public policy.