Multi/Interdisciplinary Studies > Behavioral Sciences

Behavioral Sciences

The behavioral science field investigates the mental processes occurring within living things and the social interactions between different species in the wild. Naturalistic observation, controlled scientific research, and mathematical modeling is all part of this systematic analysis and investigation of human and animal behavior. It seeks to arrive at valid, objective findings through careful formulation and compliance. Science such as psychology, anthropology, cognitive science, and even psychobiology fall under the umbrella of the behavioral sciences. Behavioral research has established, in general, that people act in ways that generalize about their behavior and the impact that behavior has on society at large. There are two main branches of study within the field of behavior science: the neural-information sciences and the social-relational sciences. Cognitive entities receive stimuli from the social environment to make decisions, exercise social judgment, and perceive the social world to operate and survive. It is the domain of the information processing sciences. Some examples are the fields of psychology, cognitive science, behavior analysis, psychobiology, neural networks, social cognition, social psychology, semantic networks, ethology, and social neuroscience.