Tree Trimmers and Pruners

Remove hazardous or unwanted tree or shrub branches using advanced climbing and rigging methods to preserve the right-of-way for roads, sidewalks, or utilities, or to enhance the property's aesthetics, health, and value.

Career Snapshot

Video transcript

Pruners learn their skills on the job, but they must possess a talent that is difficult to teach - a good eye for creating even lines and a balanced appearance. A pruner usually works for a landscaping firm or garden service and uses hand and power tools to trim and shape bushes, shrubs, and trees.

Satisfying the customer and the boss is important, so you have to work quickly and carefully. Once a hedge has been cut, you can't put the branches back again!

To be a pruner, you have to be strong. This work requires long hours on your feet, bending, twisting, and using heavy, noisy equipment. Allergies to certain plants could be a big problem. This is a seasonal job in many parts of the country. It's not hard to find work as a pruner, but the pay is low. It's a job some people take during the summer, while pursuing other goals like a high school or college degree.

More permanent positions for pruners are available at places with a lot of plants to care for, like golf courses, cemeteries, nurseries, and parks departments. Some pruners with lots of experience and artistic vision can create decorative shapes from bushes or trees.

Employment Projections

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Level of responsibilities
Job challenge and pressure to meet deadlines
Dealing and handling conflicts
Critical decision making
Competition for this position
Communication with others
Work closely with team members, clients etc.
Comfort of the work setting
Exposure to extreme environmental conditions
Exposure to job hazards
Physical demands


Controlling Machines and Processes Know More
Getting Information Know More
Handling and Moving Objects Know More
Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events Know More
Inspecting Equipment, Structures, or Material Know More
Monitor Processes, Materials, or Surroundings Know More
Operating Vehicles, Mechanized Devices, or Equipment Know More
Performing General Physical Activities Know More

Areas of Study

Administration and Management Know More
Customer and Personal Service Know More
Education and Training Know More
English Language Know More
Mechanical Know More
Production and Processing Know More
Public Safety and Security Know More
Transportation Know More



Top Skills

Complex Problem Solving Know More
Coordination Know More
Critical Thinking Know More
Instructing Know More
Monitoring Know More
Operation Monitoring Know More
Operation and Control Know More
Speaking Know More