Career Snapshot
When it comes to moving heavy equipment, riggers are in for the long haul. Construction sites, factories, logging plants, and shipyards all employ riggers to move large industrial equipment. The entertainment industry also hires riggers. They are needed to move large, heavy sets in and out of theaters and studios.
A rigger uses pulleys, ropes, and winches to haul items. This arrangement is called block and tackle. The rigger will first determine a load's weight, size, and the path it will take to get to its new location. Once a rig is constructed, the rigger will test it before actually moving anything. When done properly, heavy items can be moved without using much brute force.
A rigger needs a good sense of size perception. The job often calls for manipulating huge pieces of equipment through narrow openings or confined spaces. Also, the ability to clearly communicate is important. A rigger needs to direct the crew to do the job successfully and safely.
Most riggers work regular hours, but might need to work nights or weekends to meet deadlines. No formal education is required for riggers, but mechanical ability is important. This is a job for those who are physically strong and have no fear of heights.
Riggers help to keep many industries 'on the move.' If you're looking for a career that demands brains and muscle, this could be the right job for you.