Occupational Health and Safety Technicians
Career Snapshot
Occupational health and safety specialists and technicians make workplaces as accident-free as possible by seeking safer, healthier, and more efficient work methods. Specialists in occupational health and safety inspect workplaces to ensure they meet safety and environmental requirements. They look at things like lighting, ventilation, and if materials are stored or disposed of properly. Technicians in occupational health and safety collaborate with professionals to conduct tests and assess dangers. They may conduct checks to ensure that workers are wearing required protective equipment, such as masks and hardhats. Following a workplace accident or injury, occupational health and safety specialists and technicians evaluate potential causes and devise preventative measures. They may design training programmes to address hazardous circumstances and coordinate rehabilitation for injured workers. Occupational health and safety professionals and technicians are typically full-time employees that go from their offices or factories to undertake fieldwork. To limit their exposure to risks, they wear gloves, respirators, and other protective equipment. They work weekends and odd hours in crises. Specialists in occupational health and safety or a similar profession normally require a bachelor's degree, whereas technicians typically enter the industry through on-the-job training or a related associate's degree or certificate.