Meat, Poultry, and Fish Cutters and Trimmers

Use hands or hand tools to perform routine cutting and trimming of meat, poultry, and seafood.

Career Snapshot

Video transcript

When it comes to buying meat, poultry, or fish, consumers want more than just a good price - they want products that have been prepared properly and safely. That's the responsibility of meat, poultry, and fish cutters and trimmers.

Cutters and trimmers first inspect the food to ensure that it's free of defects or bruises. Then they'll clean, slice, and section the product. With meat and poultry, bones and excess fat may be removed. With fish, the process of removing bones and other parts that are inedible is called filleting. These workers need to be skilled in using knives, cleavers, and electric cutting tools.

To meet government health standards, most processing areas are refrigerated. Low temperatures help keep the food fresh during preparation. Being able to pay careful attention to your job despite the chilly working conditions is important. Special sanitary measures must be followed as well, such as wearing hairnets and gloves.

Most cutters and trimmers work a steady 40-hour week. You can learn on the job, usually from a more experience worker. This work can be repetitive and physical strength may be required. Large sections of meat or boxes of poultry or fish can be heavy to move.

Whether working on an assembly line in a large processing plant or at a counter in the local supermarket, cutters and trimmers play an important role in helping feed the nation.

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Critical decision making
Dealing and handling conflicts
Physical demands
Exposure to job hazards
Exposure to extreme environmental conditions
Comfort of the work setting
Work closely with team members, clients etc.
Communication with others
Job challenge and pressure to meet deadlines
Competition for this position
Level of responsibilities


Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates Know More
Getting Information Know More
Handling and Moving Objects Know More
Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events Know More
Inspecting Equipment, Structures, or Material Know More
Making Decisions and Solving Problems Know More
Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work Know More
Processing Information Know More

Areas of Study

Administration and Management Know More
Food Production Know More
Mathematics Know More
Mechanical Know More
Personnel and Human Resources Know More
Production and Processing Know More
Public Safety and Security Know More
Transportation Know More



Top Skills

Active Listening Know More
Coordination Know More
Critical Thinking Know More
Judgment and Decision Making Know More
Monitoring Know More
Social Perceptiveness Know More
Speaking Know More
Time Management Know More