Marketing Managers
Career Snapshot
Every company's goal is to sell its products. And the same principles apply whether the product is a book, a bagel, a bottle of liquid hand soap, or even information: market research, advertising, sales, public relations, and promotions. Marketing supervisors and managers are in charge of supervising and coordinating all of these activities.
It goes without saying that marketing managers must be well-versed in all of these areas. They must know statistics in order to analyse market research and advertising data, but they must also be creative and have a "sales personality." It's an uncommon combination, made even more difficult by the requirement for exceptional management abilities.
Everything in a modern marketing effort must go smoothly. When the television commercials air, the product must be on the shelves or ready for distribution. Coordination of all of these parts may be a significant problem, from creating magazine and TV commercials to giving out free samples to customers.
But when everything comes together and the product starts selling - when you see your and your colleagues' efforts directly paying off in greater earnings for the firm - you realise the genuine meaning of job happiness.


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