Marine Engineers and Naval Architects

Ships, their machinery, and the power and propulsion systems they use are the focus of naval architects, engineers, and other professionals.

Career Snapshot


Someone has to build a motorboat or a cruise ship and find out how to make it move. Naval architects work on the fundamental design and supervise construction. They evaluate every aspect of how a ship will look and perform, from the shape of the hull to the size of the captain's bridge. 

To accomplish this, they collaborate closely with maritime engineers, who design, examine, and help operate the systems that propel the ship safely and effectively. Both the architect and the engineer must examine the demands that will be imposed on the boat under various conditions. 

While ships have travelled the waters since antiquity, computers are now required to assist with intricate calculations such as establishing where the ship's centre of gravity will be and how much weight it can carry. 

Naval architects and marine engineers need specific training in college-level courses.vel programs. Their work calls for strong math, reasoning, and problem-solving skills. While this is not a field that is growing quickly, the need for these experts is expected to be steady. This is because marine engineers and naval architects design vessels that are indispensible to world commerce.

Employment Projections

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Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates Know More
Drafting, Laying Out, and Specifying Technical Devices, Parts, and Equipment Know More
Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards Know More
Getting Information Know More
Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events Know More
Interacting With Computers Know More
Making Decisions and Solving Problems Know More
Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge Know More

Areas of Study

Computers and Electronics Know More
Design Know More
Engineering and Technology Know More
English Language Know More
Mathematics Know More
Mechanical Know More
Physics Know More
Transportation Know More



Top Skills

Active Listening Know More
Complex Problem Solving Know More
Critical Thinking Know More
Judgment and Decision Making Know More
Mathematics Know More
Operations Analysis Know More
Reading Comprehension Know More
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