Home Appliance Repairers
Career Snapshot
Ever have the washing machine or refrigerator break down? It can really disrupt a household - that's why dependable home appliance repairers are so important. They're the people we turn to in order to get broken appliances back up and running.
Some repairers work on small appliances like microwaves and vacuum cleaners. Usually customers will bring these items into a service shop to be fixed. Others specialize in major appliances, like refrigerators, dishwashers, washers, and dryers. This work is usually done at a customer's home.
All repairers need to be good problem solvers. They must be able to read repair manuals and skilled in using a wide array of tools. A high school education is recommended for this job. Some employers also prefer to hire people with formal training in appliance repair and electronics.
Community colleges, trade schools, and even appliance manufacturers offer classes to give you the skills needed. Up to three years of on-the-job training may be needed to become skilled in all aspects of repair.
Repairers usually work with little or no supervision, so they must be good at dealing with customers. A large part of the job is being polite and offering service with a smile. As appliances become more and more sophisticated, the need for home appliance repairers will only increase.


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