Heating, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration Mechanics and Installers

Set up or fix oil burners, hot-air furnaces, and heating stoves, as well as other forms of central heating, air conditioning, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) and refrigeration.

Career Snapshot

Video transcript

HVAC technicians are specialists in 'Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning' equipment. But a more accurate job title might be 'Human Comfort Specialist.' Most people take their comfort t in a building or house for granted - until something goes wrong. Only then do they realize that they depend on HVAC technicians to keep them cool in summer and warm in winter.

And rarely do they understand that their comfort relies on complex systems of pipes, coils, ducts, fans, compressors, and machines. HVAC technicians know this equipment well. Many combine the skills of plumbers, electricians, and refrigeration specialists to install (and repair) gas and oil furnaces, electronic thermostats, air conditioners, ducts, vents, and all the other components of a climate control system.

To be successful in this profession, it's important to be good with your hands and to be able to follow blueprints or manufacturer's installation instructions. But in addition, technical school or apprenticeship training is becoming more and more essential as equipment becomes more computerized and complex.

People will put up with a lot, but when the heating, ventilation, or air conditioning systems break down, they demand that it be fixed - and fast. This fact, combined with the need to replace older, less efficient systems to meet energy efficiency standards helps explain why job prospects for HVAC technicians are expected to be quite good for the foreseeable future.

Employment Projections

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Getting Information Know More
Handling and Moving Objects Know More
Inspecting Equipment, Structures, or Material Know More
Making Decisions and Solving Problems Know More
Operating Vehicles, Mechanized Devices, or Equipment Know More
Performing General Physical Activities Know More
Repairing and Maintaining Mechanical Equipment Know More
Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge Know More

Areas of Study

Building and Construction Know More
Computers and Electronics Know More
Customer and Personal Service Know More
Design Know More
Engineering and Technology Know More
English Language Know More
Mechanical Know More
Physics Know More



Top Skills

Active Listening Know More
Critical Thinking Know More
Equipment Maintenance Know More
Installation Know More
Operation Monitoring Know More
Quality Control Analysis Know More
Repairing Know More
Troubleshooting Know More