Gambling Change Persons and Booth Cashiers

Customers' cash should be converted into coins, tokens, or chips. It's possible to issue payouts and get a consumer to sign for them.

Career Snapshot


People who enter the gaming industry frequently begin as gaming change personnel and booth cashiers, as these professions may be learned on the job. To work in one of these roles, you must be skilled with numbers because the entire day is spent exchanging coins for paper money, and proper financial accountability is a need in the casino sector. 

The gaming change guy wears a money belt or pushes a change cart around the slot machine area on the casino floor, dispensing change to gamers. When the jackpot alarm bell sounds and the jackpot exceeds the number of coins in the machine, the change person will work with the slot key person to distribute payoffs. 

Another aspect of the job is to ensure that the consumer signs a receipt for the payment. Change personnel have a difficult job because they are always on the go, moving back and forth around the casino's slot machine area. They frequently begin at or around minimum wage, but may earn more through tips. 

At the outset of each shift, a booth cashier gives change personnel with a money bank. The cashier at the booth also counts and audits the money drawer. Customers can also come to the booth to get change, cash in vouchers, and exchange money for chips. 

These are high-stress positions. Every step you take is monitored and recorded. You are constantly being recorded while on the casino floor. Both positions necessitate the ability to calculate and communicate fast and accurately, frequently in the midst of a lot of noise.

Employment Projections

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Critical decision making
Dealing and handling conflicts
Physical demands
Exposure to job hazards
Exposure to extreme environmental conditions
Comfort of the work setting
Work closely with team members, clients etc.
Communication with others
Job challenge and pressure to meet deadlines
Level of responsibilities
Competition for this position


Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates Know More
Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships Know More
Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards Know More
Getting Information Know More
Interacting With Computers Know More
Performing for or Working Directly with the Public Know More
Processing Information Know More
Resolving Conflicts and Negotiating with Others Know More

Areas of Study

Clerical Know More
Computers and Electronics Know More
Customer and Personal Service Know More
English Language Know More
Law and Government Know More
Mathematics Know More
Psychology Know More
Public Safety and Security Know More



Top Skills

Active Listening Know More
Coordination Know More
Critical Thinking Know More
Monitoring Know More
Reading Comprehension Know More
Service Orientation Know More
Social Perceptiveness Know More
Speaking Know More