Childcare Workers

Tend to youngsters in a variety of settings, including classrooms, workplaces, homes, and daycares. Dress, feed, bathe, and supervise playtime are just some of the duties that fall under your purview.

Career Snapshot


Nothing is more vital than proper child rearing. And whether working as a day care centre staffer, camp counsellor, or teacher aide, a childcare worker's job is to nurture. Finger painting, show-and-tell, and group projects are more than just ways to keep kids entertained. They assist children in developing communication skills, self-confidence, and learning how to collaborate with others. 

In addition to outstanding teaching abilities, childcare staff must be tolerant with difficult children or demanding parents. Of course, it's also critical to like working with children. Working as a childcare provider is not always simple. Few things, however, are more fulfilling than knowing you helped a young mind and body build and thrive.

Employment Projections

Annual projected job openings Subscribe to see


Average Wages Subscribe to see


Work closely with team members, clients etc.
Comfort of the work setting
Exposure to extreme environmental conditions
Exposure to job hazards
Physical demands
Critical decision making
Level of responsibilities
Job challenge and pressure to meet deadlines
Competition for this position
Communication with others
Dealing and handling conflicts


Assisting and Caring for Others Know More
Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates Know More
Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships Know More
Getting Information Know More
Making Decisions and Solving Problems Know More
Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work Know More
Resolving Conflicts and Negotiating with Others Know More
Thinking Creatively Know More

Areas of Study

Administration and Management Know More
Customer and Personal Service Know More
Education and Training Know More
English Language Know More
Mathematics Know More
Personnel and Human Resources Know More
Psychology Know More
Public Safety and Security Know More



Top Skills

Active Listening Know More
Coordination Know More
Critical Thinking Know More
Monitoring Know More
Reading Comprehension Know More
Service Orientation Know More
Social Perceptiveness Know More
Speaking Know More