
Perform astronomical observation, analysis, and interpretation in order to expand one's understanding of the subject or to solve real-world problems.

Career Snapshot


Although space is the final frontier, it has been studied since the birth of civilisation. And, whereas early man could only gaze at the stars with his unaided eyes, astronomers today employ incredibly advanced technology to study the universe. Information is collected and processed, frequently using computers, from large telescopes on Earth to unmanned missions travelling millions of miles into deep space. 

Astronomers may research solar electrical storms, trace a meteor's thousand-year trajectory, or look for indications of life in a distant galaxy. They spend years in undergraduate and graduate school building a solid foundation in physics and math. For work in this field, a doctorate is normally required. While some of these experts study on theoretical issues about the nature of the cosmos, others focus on practical issues such as satellite communications and telescope systems. 

Astronomers are most likely to work for research institutions, universities, or museums that have planetariums. Writing grant requests for funding is frequently part of their job. It is a complicated science based on a basic concept: looking up, wondering, and wanting to know 'what's out there?'

Employment Projections

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Job challenge and pressure to meet deadlines
Critical decision making
Competition for this position
Physical demands
Exposure to job hazards
Exposure to extreme environmental conditions
Comfort of the work setting
Work closely with team members, clients etc.
Communication with others
Level of responsibilities
Dealing and handling conflicts


Analyzing Data or Information Know More
Estimating the Quantifiable Characteristics of Products, Events, or Information Know More
Getting Information Know More
Interacting With Computers Know More
Making Decisions and Solving Problems Know More
Processing Information Know More
Thinking Creatively Know More
Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge Know More

Areas of Study

Administration and Management Know More
Chemistry Know More
Computers and Electronics Know More
Education and Training Know More
Engineering and Technology Know More
English Language Know More
Mathematics Know More
Physics Know More



Top Skills

Active Learning Know More
Active Listening Know More
Critical Thinking Know More
Mathematics Know More
Reading Comprehension Know More
Science Know More
Speaking Know More
Writing Know More