The Benefits of Participating in College Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities for international students

Participating in extracurricular activities in college is an incredibly important part of the college experience. Not only do they provide a fun way to spend time on campus, they also provide an opportunity to explore a range of interests and passions while developing life skills, friendships, and learning experiences. From joining clubs and organizations to participating in sports, there are a variety of extracurricular activities that can benefit college students. These activities can also help boost a college application and resume, and can even lead to potential job opportunities. Knowing the importance of extracurricular activities for college students, this article will discuss the benefits of participating in college extracurricular activities, the top extracurricular activities for college students, and provide examples of extracurricular activities. Furthermore, this article will provide an overview of how to get involved in extracurricular activities, both online and in person. 

What are Extracurricular Activities?

Extracurricular activities are activities that students partake in outside of the distinctive academic prospectus. These activities can be educational, recreational, or social in nature. Examples of extracurricular activities include clubs and organizations, volunteer work, sports, and the arts. Participation in extracurricular activities can provide many benefits such as developing skills like teamwork and leadership, meeting new people, learning about new interests, and having fun. Additionally, schools often look for students who have been active in extracurricular activities when considering college applications. 

Why Are Extracurricular Activities Important?

Extracurricular activities are significant because they provide students with the occasion to explore their interests, build relationships, develop new skills, and gain valuable experiences. Extracurricular activities can help students develop important social and leadership skills that will help them in their academic and professional lives. Through extracurricular activities, students can learn how to work as part of a team, develop problem-solving skills, and practice communication, organization, and time management. Additionally, these activities can help students explore their passions and interests, allowing them to discover new hobbies and potential career paths. Finally, extracurricular activities can help students form meaningful relationships with peers and mentors which can provide support, guidance, and encouragement. By engaging in extracurricular activities, students can gain a sense of accomplishment, build self-confidence, and learn more about themselves.

Benefits of Extracurricular Activities

1. Improved Academic Performance - Extracurricular activities can help students reach higher levels of academic achievement by teaching them important skills such as time management, organization, and collaboration. Students who participate in extracurricular activities often have higher grade point averages and test scores than their peers who do not participate. 

2. Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem - Taking part in extracurricular activities helps a student to gain confidence and self-esteem. The student learns to work with others, develop problem-solving skills, and become more independent. 

3. Stress Management - Extracurricular activities provide students with an outlet for stress relief. Participating in activities such as music, art, or athletics can help students to relax, take their minds off of their worries, and have fun with friends.

4. Social Skills - Extracurricular activities can provide students with the opportunity to interact with individuals from different backgrounds and develop social skills. Participating in activities such as debate, chess, or group sports can help a student learn how to work with others, be a leader, and develop problem-solving skills. 

5. Exercise - Extracurricular activities involve physical activity and can help students to stay healthy and fit. Participating in activities such as tennis, soccer, or swimming can help a student to stay active and improve their physical and mental health. 

6. A Sense of Fulfillment - Extracurricular activities can provide students with a sense of accomplishment, satisfaction, and pride. Participating in activities such as theatre, choir, or robotics can help a student to feel a sense of accomplishment when they achieve their goals. 

7. Networking - Extracurricular activities can provide students with the opportunity to network with others and gain valuable contacts. Participating in activities such as volunteering, student clubs, or internships can help a student meet new people and gain valuable contacts that can help them in the future.

8. College Applications - Extracurricular activities can help students stand out on college applications. Participating in activities such as debate, student government, or community service can demonstrate to admissions officers that the student is well-rounded and has leadership experience. 

How Do Colleges Evaluate Extracurricular Activities?

Colleges evaluate extracurricular activities for applicants in the same way they evaluate all other aspects of an application: by looking for evidence of commitment, leadership, and/or achievement. Examples of extracurricular activities can range from volunteer work to internships, to playing a sport, to participating in a club or activity on campus. Colleges will look for evidence that the student is taking an active role in activities that are important to them and that they are actively engaging with the world around them. They may also consider the type of activity, and how it might demonstrate the student’s ability to work with others or develop their skills in a particular area. Here are some examples of Extracurricular activities. 

Type 1: Rare Extracurricular Activities

Rare extracurricular activities are activities that are not commonly practiced. Examples of rare extracurricular activities include scuba diving, falconry, and learning a foreign language. Scuba diving is an activity that involves underwater exploration and discovering new marine life. Falconry is the art of teaching birds of prey to hunt. Learning a foreign language can open up a whole new world and can provide the opportunity to experience different cultures. 

Type 2: Little Common Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities don't always have to be big and flashy. There are plenty of smaller, more common activities that students can do. Some of these include joining a book club, playing board games, making and selling crafts, or even starting an online blog. These activities can be done with friends or on your own and are usually fairly inexpensive. They can also be very rewarding, as they allow you to explore your interests and make new connections. Additionally, they can aid in developing important skills such as communication, creativity, and problem-solving.

Type 3: Common Extracurricular Activities

Common extracurricular activities are activities done outside of school such as sports, music, theater, art, student government, and community service. These activities help students develop skills that can be applied in the classroom, such as problem-solving, teamwork, communication, and leadership. They also help students explore their interests, build relationships with peers, and gain confidence. Sports teams teach students the importance of hard work, dedication, and perseverance. Music and theater provide students with creative outlets and allow them to express themselves in new ways. Art and student government offer students the opportunity to express their ideas and take on leadership roles. 

Type 4: Very Common Extracurricular Activities

Very common extracurricular activities include sports such as soccer, basketball, and football. Other popular activities include art, music, and theater. In addition, academic clubs such as debate or math teams are popular in many schools. Community service activities are also popular, such as volunteering at a local soup kitchen or organizing a beach cleanup. Other activities may include robotics, coding, and language learning. Many students also volunteer in their local communities or participate in religious activities. 

How Many Extracurricular Activities Should You Take Up?

The amount of extracurricular activities that you should take up depends on a few factors. Firstly, consider the amount of time you have available to dedicate to extracurricular activities. If you are already very busy with school or work, then taking up too many activities may be overwhelming. Secondly, consider your own interests and passions. Choose activities that you will enjoy and that will add meaning to your life. Thirdly, think about the type of activities that will help you develop skills or knowledge that could be beneficial in the future. Finally, take into consideration how the activities will affect your overall well-being. If an activity is taking up too much of your time and energy, then it is probably best to reduce your involvement. Ultimately, it is up to you to decide how many extracurricular activities you should take up.

Top 7 Extracurricular Activities for College Applications

1. Volunteering: Volunteering is a great way to demonstrate your dedication to the community and show colleges that you are willing to go above and beyond the usual high school commitments. 

2. Leadership: Being a leader in an extracurricular activity, such as a club or a sport, shows that you are able to take initiative and work with a team. 

3. Internships: Taking on an internship in a professional environment shows that you have an interest in a particular field and have the skills to thrive in it.

4. Part-Time Jobs: Having a part-time job shows that you are capable of juggling multiple commitments and are responsible. 

5. Studying Abroad: Studying abroad demonstrates your curiosity and openness to other cultures, and is a great way to stand out on a college application. 

6. Creative Pursuits: Pursuing creative activities such as music, theater, or art shows that you have a passion for something and are willing to pursue it.

7. Athletics: Participating in sports can show colleges that you are competitive and have the drive to succeed.


Participating in college extracurricular activities allows students to gain invaluable experiences and skills that will help them in the future. They create a more well-rounded individual who is better prepared for a successful career and life. For more details, you could obtain them from Cademy1.