Should You Apply for Early Action?


Early Action, also known as Early Decision, is an admissions strategy employed by many colleges and universities to encourage students to apply earlier in the admissions process. When students apply early, their applications can be reviewed and decisions can be made earlier, which allows them to make a more informed college selection. Early action is a great option for those students who know exactly where they want to attend and are confident in their academic and extracurricular achievements. It can also be beneficial for those students who are unsure of where they want to attend college and need some extra time to make their decision.

What is Early Action?

Colleges and universities use Early Action as a non-binding admissions strategy for students who wish to apply earlier than would be possible otherwise. Under Early Action, students submit their application before the regular admissions deadline and receive an admission decision prior to the regular deadline. This gives students the opportunity to receive an admissions decision sooner than if they had applied through the regular admissions process.

An early action approach to policy-making and problem-solving takes into account the long-term, often unpredictable effects of current decisions and actions. This approach focuses on preventing negative outcomes before they occur, rather than simply responding to existing problems. Early action can involve a number of strategies, including:

  • Prevention
  • Early intervention
  • Anticipatory action

Prevention strategies involve addressing the root causes of a problem and preventing it from occurring. Early intervention strategies involve intervening early on in the development of a problem in order to mitigate its impact. Anticipatory action involves taking proactive steps to anticipate and address potential problems before they occur.

Early action (EA) is an admissions process in which students can submit their college applications earlier than normal deadlines. Early action generally requires applicants to submit their applications by the beginning of November, or sometimes even earlier. Most of the time, students who submit their applications early can expect to receive their admissions decisions in December or January.

In most cases, Early Action is non-binding, meaning that even if a student is accepted, they do not have to accept the offer. Students who are accepted under Early Action are still able to apply to other colleges and universities and compare their options before making a final decision. Early Action is also often referred to as Early Decision, though they are not the same thing. Early Decision is a binding commitment, meaning that if you are accepted, you must attend the college or university you apply to.

Types of Early Action

Early Action is divided into two categories.

  • Restrictive
  • Non-restrictive

Determining which group your potential institutions belong to is an important first step. "Single-Choice Early Action" is considered to be one sort of Restricted EA plan (REA), which indicates you can only apply early to that one school in addition to that of any other public colleges or universities. Harvard, Yale, Stanford, and Princeton are among the universities that have REA or SCEA policies. Georgetown allows students to apply Early Decision to other universities but does not enable them to submit a formal Early Decision application anywhere else.

You can submit as many applications as you like to as many institutions as you choose under non-restrictive early action. The great majority of institutions follow this guideline, however, it is always a good idea to read the tiny print before submitting your application.

When Does Early Action Begin?

Early Action deadlines are usually on the 15th or 1st of November, so get your papers ready as soon as possible and assure yourself of your academic status. Late bloomers might still require it for junior year in order to prove themselves academically. A decision will normally be made by mid-December or January, as opposed to the standard decision cycle's notice in early April. The prospect of enjoying the Christmas season with acceptance under your belt might be quite appealing. Heck, if one of your top-choice colleges has already given you a spot on campus next autumn, your entire senior year may be a lot less stressful.

Benefits of Early Action for the College

Early Action allows colleges to gain a better understanding of the applicants who have applied to their institution. This is beneficial for the colleges as they can begin evaluating the applicant pool early on and gain an understanding of the caliber of the applicants. This allows them to better determine the types of applicants who will be accepted and those who will be rejected. It also gives the college an opportunity to identify candidates who may be especially well suited for their institution and offer them admission early.

Early Action also benefits colleges by allowing them to identify candidates who may not have otherwise applied to their institution. By offering Early Action, students who may not have considered the college may now be exposed to the institution and consider applying. This could result in the college receiving more applications, which would in turn lead to a larger applicant pool and a more diverse student body.

In addition to the advantages mentioned above, Early Action also benefits colleges by increasing their yield of accepted applicants. By offering Early Action, those who are accepted are more likely to accept the offer of admission due to early acceptance. This leads to a higher yield rate than the later acceptance of applicants.

In a nutshell, Early Action benefits colleges by allowing them to plan ahead more effectively. With the early knowledge of the applicants and the higher yield rate, colleges will be able to better plan for the upcoming semester. This could involve budgeting, class sizes, and other important decisions.

Benefits of Early Action for College Applicants

Early action (EA) is a college admissions strategy that allows students to submit their application for admission to a college or university before the regular admissions deadline. This provides students with the unique advantage of being able to learn about their admissions status before their peers, as well as the opportunity to start planning for the next steps in their academic journey.

One of the primary benefits of applying for early action is that it can give students an early indication of their chances of being accepted. This is important because it allows students to start their college search with a better sense of whether they are likely to be accepted into their top choices. This can be especially beneficial for students who may be on the cusp of being accepted, as early action may provide a much-needed boost in their admissions prospects.

Another advantage of early action is that it can provide an opportunity for students to present themselves as strong candidates. With early action, students can take the time to craft a compelling application that stands out from the crowd, as well as submit any additional materials or letters of recommendation that could help their case. This can give students a leg up in the admissions process and could potentially make the difference between being accepted and rejected.

Finally, applying for early action can provide students with more time to make a final decision about their college choice. Since early-action applicants receive an early indication of their admissions status, they can start considering their options and making plans for the future before the regular admissions deadline. This can be especially helpful for students who are considering multiple schools and need more time to weigh their options.

Overall, early action can be a great option for college applicants who want to get an early indication of their admissions prospects, present themselves as strong candidates, and have more time to make their final college decision. By taking the time to craft a strong application and submit any additional materials, students can give themselves a competitive edge in the admissions process.

When Should You Consider Applying for Early Action?

Students should consider applying for Early Action if they are confident that they can complete their application process by the early deadline. An early action is a non-binding option, meaning that students can still apply to other schools and compare their offers of admission before making a final decision. Applying for Early Action is an important decision and shouldn’t be taken lightly. Thus, following are the key points, that every applicant must take into consideration while applying for Early Action.

  •  Your grades have your approval
  • You have finished all of your significant extracurricular activities
  • You are ready to participate in college interviews
  •  You can submit your recommendation letters right away

If you have fulfilled all of the above conditions, then you can go for the Early Action Application. You must also check out some reputed websites, like, to gain better knowledge of the college you are going to select. App for All Your Education Needs is an online College search and comparison portal. It allows users to search for and compare colleges from around the globe quickly and easily. The platform provides information about a wide range of colleges and universities, including admission requirements, cost of attendance, average program length, and other important details. Additionally, the platform allows users to compare colleges side-by-side and save their search results for future reference. also provides helpful advice and tips to help students make informed decisions about their college choices. So, if you are looking for to apply to colleges abroad, sign up for your free account on and get access to expert college guidance today.